2024 Annual Meeting - September 14, 2024
Join us for our 2024 Annual Meeting
Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, Petersburg, PA
Come discuss new topics on Native plant research in the state of Pennsylvania, and meet other Native Plant enthusiasts, as well as the Pennsylvania Native Plant Society members.
2 great speakers, Plant walks, a short business meeting, and a plant sale.
Bring your own lunch and enjoy the beauty of Shaver's Creek.
No charge but registration is required. Donations are welcome. Open to the public.
Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, Petersburg, PA
Come discuss new topics on Native plant research in the state of Pennsylvania, and meet other Native Plant enthusiasts, as well as the Pennsylvania Native Plant Society members.
2 great speakers, Plant walks, a short business meeting, and a plant sale.
Bring your own lunch and enjoy the beauty of Shaver's Creek.
No charge but registration is required. Donations are welcome. Open to the public.
8:00–9:30 am - Morning bird walk with Doug Wentzel
9:00–10:00 am - Registration and Plant Sale opens
10:00 - 10:15 am - Welcome and business meeting
9:00–10:00 am - Registration and Plant Sale opens
10:00 - 10:15 am - Welcome and business meeting

10:05 - 11:00 am - Vernal Pools in the Pennsylvania Ridge and Valley - presented by Taylor Blackman, Penn State University
Vernal pools are small ephemeral wetlands that are well known to support high levels of biodiversity in an otherwise terrestrial landscape. Clusters have been mapped throughout the Pennsylvania Ridge and Valley along several different landscape positions and underlying lithologies, factors that heavily influence wetland hydroperiod and biogeochemistry, which leads to habitat diversity at the regional and local scale. This region is prime for research to identify the abiotic conditions associated with prolific populations of threatened and endangered plants, like the Northeastern Bulrush (Scirpus ancistrochaetus).
Vernal pools are small ephemeral wetlands that are well known to support high levels of biodiversity in an otherwise terrestrial landscape. Clusters have been mapped throughout the Pennsylvania Ridge and Valley along several different landscape positions and underlying lithologies, factors that heavily influence wetland hydroperiod and biogeochemistry, which leads to habitat diversity at the regional and local scale. This region is prime for research to identify the abiotic conditions associated with prolific populations of threatened and endangered plants, like the Northeastern Bulrush (Scirpus ancistrochaetus).
11:00–11:15 am - BREAK

11:15 am –12:00 pm - Community-based Ecological Restoration: How you can cultivate and spread native plants in your area! - presented by Andrew Conboy, Colonial Canopy Trees
Ecological restoration efforts are needed now more than ever across PA. Andrew Conboy, urban forester and founder of an eco-restoration non-profit in Montgomery County, will speak about how he engages his local community in restoring native plants, removing invasives, and increasing awareness about ecological issues. This community-based approach is easily adaptable and can be applied to any municipality in PA. From growing your own native trees and plants, to organizing volunteer events, we hold more power than we may realize when it comes to stewardship of our remaining natural spaces.
Ecological restoration efforts are needed now more than ever across PA. Andrew Conboy, urban forester and founder of an eco-restoration non-profit in Montgomery County, will speak about how he engages his local community in restoring native plants, removing invasives, and increasing awareness about ecological issues. This community-based approach is easily adaptable and can be applied to any municipality in PA. From growing your own native trees and plants, to organizing volunteer events, we hold more power than we may realize when it comes to stewardship of our remaining natural spaces.
12:00–1:00 pm - Lunch (bring your own)
1:00 - 1:30 pm - Grant Awardees
1:30–3:00 pm - Plant walk and Member donated Plant Sale
3:00 pm - Adjourn
1:00 - 1:30 pm - Grant Awardees
1:30–3:00 pm - Plant walk and Member donated Plant Sale
3:00 pm - Adjourn