Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
JUNE 7, 2020
A Facebook link to the California Native Plant Society Black Lives Matter statement (https://www.cnps.org/life-with-plants/in-solidarity-18856) was posted on our Facebook group page June 4. It was removed, not because of its content, but because of the comments following it. We want to acknowledge and thank people for their concern about the reason it was removed, and to ask people not to assume the intent of the moderator or this organization for the removal of this post. As an organization, we would like to clarify our position.
All PNPS activities are based on our mission statement: The Pennsylvania Native Plant Society advocates conservation of native plants and their habitats and promotes the increased use of native plants in the landscape.
We have not and will not allow political posts on our Facebook page; however, we understand social justice to be not about politics, but about morality. And it has become apparent that the opportunity to participate in and enjoy outdoor activities, including gardening, is not available for everyone and may even be dangerous. (Thanks to the CNPS for providing several of these links.)
PNPS Black Lives Matter Statement - June 7, 2020
Black Lives Matter. The Pennsylvania Native Plant Society stands in solidarity with the Black community and all those fighting against oppression amidst the recent targeting of Christian Cooper and the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many other innocent Black lives. We are absolutely appalled by the police brutality that has been an assault and violation of the lives and liberties of our fellow citizens.
These events underscore the persistence of racial injustice and systemic inequality in our country, not least in our environment. The history of the conservation movement has long excluded people of color and overlooked the disproportionately severe impact of environmental degradation on marginalized communities. We cannot ignore the intersections of environmental and racial justice. PNPS stands against racism in all forms and strives to cultivate an environment that is inclusive and accessible for all, free from fear of violence or discrimination.
We believe the global struggle for justice is integrally tied with the protection of our planet. We encourage our members to not only educate themselves on the issues of racism that plague our world but also actively stand against incidents of racial oppression and hatred in their own communities and backyards.
As an organization, we are committed to continue to find ways to support diverse communities in the meeting of our mission. This includes:
Our FB moderators and administrators will continue to delete posts they feel are political, using abusive language, or not related to native plants and the natural and social communities related to plants in PA. Our FB group is an educational service PNPS provides to anyone interested in native plants. Most posts are not from our board or even our organization’s members. There are over 13,000 FB group members, and less than 400 PNPS members. To be part of the work that we do in meeting our mission and to strengthen our dialogue and grow the organization, please consider joining PNPS, an entirely volunteer-based organization. Due to COVID-19 our main source of revenue, the native plant sale, was canceled this year which impacts our budget for outreach and consequently, these programs. Annual membership in PNPS starts at just $15. To learn more visit our membership page.
We are compiling resources that will be listed on our website soon. We encourage our members to submit more in this on-going work of proactive racial justice within the PA Native Plant Society.
Board of Directors
Pennsylvania Native Plant Society
JUNE 7, 2020
A Facebook link to the California Native Plant Society Black Lives Matter statement (https://www.cnps.org/life-with-plants/in-solidarity-18856) was posted on our Facebook group page June 4. It was removed, not because of its content, but because of the comments following it. We want to acknowledge and thank people for their concern about the reason it was removed, and to ask people not to assume the intent of the moderator or this organization for the removal of this post. As an organization, we would like to clarify our position.
All PNPS activities are based on our mission statement: The Pennsylvania Native Plant Society advocates conservation of native plants and their habitats and promotes the increased use of native plants in the landscape.
We have not and will not allow political posts on our Facebook page; however, we understand social justice to be not about politics, but about morality. And it has become apparent that the opportunity to participate in and enjoy outdoor activities, including gardening, is not available for everyone and may even be dangerous. (Thanks to the CNPS for providing several of these links.)
- Birding While Black https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=599256750697358&ref=watch_permalink
- A black botanist handcuffed while being in the woods as a botanist https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6h2HAgKHc/
- Being Black While In Nature https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/may/31/being-black-while-in-nature-youre-an-endangered-species
- These Black Nature Lovers Are Busting Stereotypes https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/03/us/black-birders-week-black-in-stem-christian-cooper-scn-trnd/index.html
PNPS Black Lives Matter Statement - June 7, 2020
Black Lives Matter. The Pennsylvania Native Plant Society stands in solidarity with the Black community and all those fighting against oppression amidst the recent targeting of Christian Cooper and the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many other innocent Black lives. We are absolutely appalled by the police brutality that has been an assault and violation of the lives and liberties of our fellow citizens.
These events underscore the persistence of racial injustice and systemic inequality in our country, not least in our environment. The history of the conservation movement has long excluded people of color and overlooked the disproportionately severe impact of environmental degradation on marginalized communities. We cannot ignore the intersections of environmental and racial justice. PNPS stands against racism in all forms and strives to cultivate an environment that is inclusive and accessible for all, free from fear of violence or discrimination.
We believe the global struggle for justice is integrally tied with the protection of our planet. We encourage our members to not only educate themselves on the issues of racism that plague our world but also actively stand against incidents of racial oppression and hatred in their own communities and backyards.
As an organization, we are committed to continue to find ways to support diverse communities in the meeting of our mission. This includes:
- Continuing grant opportunities for diverse community gardens
- Sponsoring speakers or grants specifically from/for communities of color
- Intentionally networking with businesses and organizations from diverse communities across the state in the establishment of more PNPS chapters
- Continuing to educate ourselves as Board members and volunteers about the intersectionality of ecological and social aspects of meeting our mission
Our FB moderators and administrators will continue to delete posts they feel are political, using abusive language, or not related to native plants and the natural and social communities related to plants in PA. Our FB group is an educational service PNPS provides to anyone interested in native plants. Most posts are not from our board or even our organization’s members. There are over 13,000 FB group members, and less than 400 PNPS members. To be part of the work that we do in meeting our mission and to strengthen our dialogue and grow the organization, please consider joining PNPS, an entirely volunteer-based organization. Due to COVID-19 our main source of revenue, the native plant sale, was canceled this year which impacts our budget for outreach and consequently, these programs. Annual membership in PNPS starts at just $15. To learn more visit our membership page.
We are compiling resources that will be listed on our website soon. We encourage our members to submit more in this on-going work of proactive racial justice within the PA Native Plant Society.
Board of Directors
Pennsylvania Native Plant Society